Custom Artwork Adds to Joy to Your Home

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Arts and Entertainment

Your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you live, play, laugh and love. Surrounding yourself with beautiful things increases your sense of peace. Even more, a personalized canvas painting adds grace and elegance to your special space.

Personalized or Machine Generated?

In the 21st century, we live in a cookie-cutter world. Everything is the same. Every city has the same fast food restaurants. The same movies are playing at cinemas nationwide. The view around you can be really boring. You might even find your own wall decorations in someone else’s home. That’s what happens with machine-generated art.

When it comes to decorating the interior of your home, you want it to reflect your personality. It’s about who you are, what you think and how you feel. A handmade, personalized canvas painting will exhibit your unique qualities. You and your artist will work together to design a piece that will last for generations.

Getting What You Really Want

What’s your favorite color or colors? Most people surround themselves with colors that resonate with them. If you love blue and white, it’s likely you have blue and white curtains in your kitchen. Those who love deep, dark colors like brown and mauve may have quilts and pillows in those colors in the master bedrooms.

What about shape? Some people are turned off by shapes that are square. With every side the same, it makes them feel like they’re in a box. Do circles remind you of the continuity of the universe? Do triangles remind you of your three kids?

Discover colors and shapes that bring you joy and peace and share those with your professional artist. When you commission a practicing artist to create your personalized canvas painting, you can be certain you will get what you want.

If you’re looking to commission an artist for a personalized canvas painting, visit the Hilary Winfield Fine Art website.

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